Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sarah's soul rejoining her body

I read once in a Pearl Buck novel that the ancient Chinese believe that your soul leaves your body at night when you're sleeping and floats around the ceiling. If you're awakened too abruptly in the morning, your soul is frightened away and can't rejoin with your body. So you'll be out of sorts and "not yourself" all day. Then that night when you sleep your soul comes back and floats around the ceiling, and if you're awakened gently in the morning, your soul can rejoin with your body.

Here she is at Anna's house after waking up (she often sleeps late) and she crawled up on her Dad's lap. Probably the only time of the day that she is not talking!

Sunday morning, June 15.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sarah reading

I love this photo of everyone late Saturday evening, all spread out in their own "place" and reading a book. Calvin and Hobbes comic books were very popular this weekend.