Monday, January 26, 2009

Sarah gains weight!!

Sarah is proud that she is finally gaining weight. We had her stop taking her adderall for ADD and she started gaining immediately. She started at 52 pounds...and as you can see, in a short month she has put on 6 pounds!!

It's so weird to find her in the kitchen looking for food. And she is constantly munching on something! This is what growing children should be doing.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sarah Communicating with Bryce on New Tech Toy!

Uncle Don tells me that this new "tech toy" is called something "DS"? He thought it was a model of a French Car----but no, it is a new tech thing that will allow you to play games OR communicate with someone else with a similar device (such as brother Bryce)!
I was very impressed that Sarah was able to save up money to be able to do this!
Oh, and very cute shirt (although the photo does not capture the cute colors well.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sarah and Grandma knitting

Grandma's chair is a perfect place to sit and knit with your favorite partner. Sarah was a bit disgruntled to find that Grandma had ripped out some of her knitting...but all was well when Grandma knitted it back.
Bring back memories of learning to knit???